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Posts uit oktober, 2018 tonen
Why learn Dutch?
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WHY LEARN DUTCH? What are the reasons to learn Dutch? Deal with the Dutch in English or in their own language? We asked the question to Dutch learners from different countries. If everybody speaks English in the Netherlands (and Belgium), why would you learn Dutch then? These Dutch language students answer that question. Reasons these students mention: - the desire to integrate - the uncomfortable feeling when you're in a group with Dutch people and everybody speaks Dutch (and you can't understand anything) - the fear of speaking What do you think? Are there more reasons to learn Dutch, or perhaps not to learn Dutch? Pengen belajar bahasa Belanda hubungi: Hubungi 081214932208 (TELP dan WA)
Bahasa Indonesia di ambil dari bahasa Belanda atau sebaliknya?
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Bahasa Belanda yang pakai di Indonesia. Mau belajar bahasa Belanda? Do you want to learn Dutch? After the course you can: 1. Perform simple conversations in Dutch; 2. You have the vocabulary and language skills to do this; 3. You have practiced reading, listening, speaking and writing so you can interact with people in your daily life. Method: As a method we use 'Delftse Methode'. All classes will be in Dutch, but the teacher can speak English too to assist with tactical problems. The lessons. It is an 15 day/30 hours/ 2 hours per day intensive course. The lessons pay a lot of attention to developing your speaking skills. During the lessons you will get clear instructions from the teacher and you will work in small groups. For every class you will need to do about 2 hours of homework. Fee: For more information WA:+6281214932208 OR EMAIL: